Outdoor Automations

Smart Swimming Pool

So this was more work than expected, but the end result is really cool.  So in order to get my pool onto the home automation system, it needed some electrical work, just to satisfy the OCD factor.  Rewiring the pool into an outdoor DB  board (Which took about 3 days) with a outdoor plug for the water feature.

The pool pump wiring looked horrible, I did not want to throw smart switches in there. So the option for a nice waterproof DB board to house the Sonoff smart switches.  I am using a 16 Amp Sonoff POW R2 for the pool pump, and a Sonoff DUAL to control the Water feature and the swimming pool light.  The Sonoff devices are flashed with Tasmota, which at this time has a cool utility for flashing the chips called Tasmotizer.

I added the new devices to my  network, firstly to TasmoAdmin, which is a really cool web interface for managing all tasmota devices on a network. More about that in another post.

Next thing was to add these sonoffs to my OpenHAB system, set up rules, timers, and add them to the app interface.  Timers or schedules can be changed at any time from anywhere.  The POW R2 is great as it reports all the power usages of the pool pump.  Some cool rules could be to notify or to shut off the pump it something is wrong and it is drawing to much power perhaps.

rule "Pool Pump Timer"
	Time cron "0 0 0 ? * MON-SUN" or 
	Time cron "0 0 8 ? * MON-SUN" or 
	Time cron "0 0 16 ? * MON-SUN"

 	SwimmingPoolPumpTimer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(60)) [|

Above is my rule for when to run the pool pump,  this CRON expression can be reduced to this "0 0 0,8,16 ? * MON-SUN" but for me the exploded form was easier to read. Along with this I created a push notification reminder to add the Blu52 to the pool on the 1st and 15th of every month. So 15 min before the pump switches on only on 1st and 15th, I will get a push notification for adding the chemicals.

rule "Blu52 Reminder"
	Time cron "0 45 15 1,15 * ? *"
	sendNotification("myemail@gmail.com", "Reminder:\nBlu 52 - Pump on in 15 min","error","high")

Below are some before and after pictures of the pool pump and electrical and the app.