Milestones and Moments

As I sit down to write this, I can't help but marvel at how swiftly time passes by. It feels like just yesterday when my daughter, Ava-Maree, came into this world, a tiny bundle of joy cradled in my arms. Now, she's on the brink of turning two years old, and I find myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, reflecting on the journey we've shared so far.
One of the most striking aspects of parenthood is witnessing how quickly our little ones grow and develop. Each day brings new discoveries, new milestones, and new memories to cherish. As I watch Ava-Maree toddle around the house, her laughter filling the air, I can't help but marvel at how much she's grown since her first hesitant steps.
Recently, Ava-Maree had her "Occupation Day" at school, a cute event where the children dress up as what they aspire to be when they grow up. Although she does not yet know, this is left up to us to add some flare to her outfit. Her mom is talented at arts and crafts, and put together the cutest little animal doctor lab coat. It was a joy to see her as she proudly marched herself into school in her animal doctor coat with her stethoscope in hand, after all the hospitals stays and illness, her now bright eyes were a calming relief in my soul, all is well in my world again.

Ah, yes, that hospital visit. It was a challenging time for our family, but Ava-Maree's resilience never ceased to amaze me. On March 25, 2024, she underwent a procedure to have grommets put in, along with having her tonsils and adenoids removed. As any parent would understand, seeing your child go through surgery is heart-wrenching. Yet, Ava-Maree faced it all with courage beyond her years.

Before Surgery

After Surgery
The road to recovery wasn't without its bumps, though. Shortly after returning home after a 2 week recovery before returning to school, Ava-Maree caught a virus from school, landing us back in the hospital for a four-day stay. It was a tough period for all of us, but amidst the worry and the exhaustion, there were moments of brightness. I'll never forget the way Ava-Maree's face lit up when we surprised her with an Easter egg hunt in the garden. Despite her frailty, her spirit remained unbroken, her determination shining through.

Nasty Virus 4 day hospital stay

Easter Egg Hunt

But just when we thought we were out of the woods, another virus struck, and we found ourselves back in the hospital once again. It was a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of parenthood. Yet, through it all, Ava-Maree continued to amaze us with her resilience and her unwavering zest for life.
As I look back on these past few weeks, I'm struck by the realization of how fleeting time truly is. It feels like just yesterday when Ava-Maree was a newborn, her tiny fingers wrapped around mine. And yet, here she is now, a vibrant and spirited toddler, ready to take on the world. Mmmmm and no shortage of tantrums to keep us on out toes.
In the midst of life's chaos and uncertainty, it's moments like these that remind me of what truly matters. It's not the milestones or the achievements, but the simple joys of watching my daughter grow and thrive. Time may fly by in the blink of an eye, but the memories we create along the way are timeless.
So here's to Ava-Maree, my little ray of sunshine, who reminds me every day to cherish the present moment and to hold onto these precious moments as tightly as I can. As we embark on this journey together, I know that no matter where life takes us, the bond we share will always remain unbreakable.
And as we celebrate Ava-Maree's upcoming second birthday, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the gift of parenthood and the privilege of watching her blossom into the incredible young person she's destined to become. Time may fly, but the love we share will last a lifetime.

Fun in dad's shoes