Doorbell with a twist

In a previous post original doorbell I wrote about a standard doorbell that I modified and added a controller to.  Currently that one just reads indoor temperatures for me, but will be reworked for something else.  This is the joy of DIY smart home projects, you can re-purpose and reuse or redesign devices.

What I have now is just a simple 433 MHz button as a door bell and no indoor unit.  Talking to a Sonoff RF Bridge, flashed with Tasmota and a few google mini speakers.  For about R140 you can get these buttons, and the automations happens again in Node-RED.

When the doorbell is pressed, all my google mini speakers throughout the house will play a custom doorbell sound effect I have saved into Node-RED, my wife and my self will get a push notification as well that someone is at the door.  As soon as I have my Network CCTV cameras installed, we will also get a photo of who is at the door when they press the button.

Above this, what also is checked in the automation is if it is dark outside. After sunset and before sunrise if the doorbell is pressed, the outside lights will come on, as well the entrance lights of the house inside and outside light by the front door.

See images below for the button and sample of what the Node-RED automation looks like.