DIY Baby Room Nightlight
This was a small, but fun project. Using a string of LED's that look like clouds, originally running off of 2 AA batteries, I modified this the 'clouds' to work off power and also make them smart I guess, since the input voltage is 5v, this can still be powered from a powerbank.
I removed the battery holder, and and added DuPont connectors to the wires. Then 3D printed a little enclosure to house the Wemos D1 Mini and a push button. The power comes from a usb phone charger now. After installing Tasmota on the controller, I just had to connect all the wires together and fit it all into the small enclosure, and mount it to the wall.
The connections are simple, All the grounds connect together, one wire from the clounds go to D7 on the wemos, one wire from the button connects to D6. The 5v input connects to the 5v VIN pin on the wemos.
Quick easy project, but no need to replace batteries anymore for these little lights. They make a great gently night light for the baby room at night. Not a sharp harsh light that blinds the baby when we need to feed or change her at night, but gives enough light to carry out those tasks.
No project is complete without adding it into OpenHAB, so these lights are now controlled either from the push button, or from the App and possibilties to automate the hours they are on and off. If we put them on at night, they can auto off in the day, or they can be switched on when the bedroom door is opened at night, and switched off automatically when the door is closed again.

After the modification :)