DIY Floating TV Cabinet
Creating things out of wood is one of my favourite hobbies, as you can see in my diy desk with built in LED. This project I made is a wall mounted TV cabinet for my living room.
The smart feature of this is again the build in LED strip. As with all the LED strips in my house, under my bed, in my desk and now in this cabinet, they connect to my home automation system. The rules are the same here, and using Node red again, based on the state of the garage doors, these lights are red when open, and blue when closed, otherwise off during the day. They also flash green when the doorbell is pressed. I nice indication that someone is at the door, should I be wearing earphones as well as missed the push notification that someone is at the door.
My Node-red flow needs some attention for this one still, as the LED is also contolled by the state of my TV. When the TV is tuned on, the light comes on and when the TV turns off, the cabinet lights turn off as well.